Hy-Grade Steel Roofs vs. Asphalt Shingles
Considering today’s economic and environmental concerns, a Hy-Grade steel roofing system just makes sense. As a permanent solution to your roofing needs, a Hy-Grade steel roof offers longevity, strength and durability backed by a no-nonsense lifetime Workmanship warranty and 50-year No-Leak warranty; something that asphalt roofs simply cannot match. Furthermore, the cost savings over the life of the roof make a Hy-Grade metal roof the best value today.
Steel Roofs Have a Long History
Early in our country’s history, steel was the preferred material for roofing. At the start of the First World War, steel was directed to the war effort and thus, asphalt became the next best material for roofing. The cheaper price and ease of installation ends up costing homeowners in the long run as these asphalt roofs are not permanent.
In fact, taking a drive through the countryside you may find there many of the last century buildings still have their original metal roofs. That’s why we feel confident saying “A Hy-Grade steel roof is a 100-year roof with a 50-year warranty”.

Each year, an estimated 15 million square feet of roofing shingles are installed on residential and commercial sloped buildings across Canada. In Ontario, the life expectancy of a roof covered with a “25 year” warrantied shingle is now 7-12 years. This means that your shingled roof will need to be replaced at least 4 times during the 50-year warranty period of a Hy-Grade steel roof. And don’t let them try to fool you with claims that “fiberglass” shingles are much better. What happens to fiberglass when left out in the sun? It gets fragile and breaks. That’s why a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for fiberglass shingles states clearly under the “Storage” section, “Product should be protected from the weather and direct sunlight.” You wouldn’t want its useful life reduced by where and how they’re stored which could also affect your warranty, before you even buy them.
Steel: Better Value in the Long Run
Compare the cost of a Hy-Grade steel roofing system to a shingled roof, and you will find great value in the steel roof. Depending on the size and complexity of your roof, the price of a shingled roof will be 2-3 times less than that of the Hy-Grade steel roof. But what does the roof actually cost? Over the lifetime of the Hy-Grade steel roof, you can expect the cost of a shingled roof (even at today’s prices) to be up to twice that of the Hy-Grade steel roof.
The High-Waste Problem of Asphalt Roofs
The Ontario Building Code limits the number of layers of shingles on any roof to a maximum of two. What happens to all of those shingles that are stripped from roofs each year? 95% of them end up in landfills; since currently only 5% of shingles are directed away from landfills through recycling.
Since a Hy-Grade steel roof is a permanent roofing solution, you will be helping save the environment by preventing wasteful shingles from ever ending up in landfills. More than that, you save the wasteful cost of stripping and disposing your used roofing materials.
Hy-Grade Roofs are Built for Ontario’s Weather
The Hy-Grade Steel Roofing System was designed for the Canadian climate. The 26-gauge galvanized steel used in the manufacturing of the system is covered with a Barrier Series, 4 mil, PVC-based coating. The finish on a Hy-Grade steel roof is smooth, unlike the grit found on most shingles and some steel roofs.
Shingle roofing products are usually covered with a grit finish that provides protection to the tar infused fiber mats from UV radiation. Over time, with repeated wear and freeze thaw cycles, the shingles begin to break down and lose the granules on the surface; just check the bottom of your downspouts after a decent rain. Also, the grit finish slows the drainage of snow, ice, water and debris from the roof; keeping it wet for longer periods of time. As you can probably guess, the longer a roof stays wet, the shorter its life span (see section on grit and stone).
A Hy-Grade steel roofing system is impermeable, and lacks the grit that would slow the drainage process. No water can be absorbed by the material, and it will be shed readily. Even debris is easily washed off the roof, eliminating the retention of moisture, and the promotion of moss or mold growth.
Book your free, no obligation consultation and quote with your local Roofing Consultant to learn why a Hy-Grade Steel Roof is your 1st Choice for your LAST roof!